We condemn Russian military invasion against Ukraine and the aggression against its own people speaking up against the regime.
From the first day on, CEQTOR stood for the understanding between peoples and the creation of new opportunities without borders.
We are deeply concerned for colleagues, friends, and family members who are personally in danger because of the ongoing situation in Russia and especially Ukraine. That is why we feel a moral obligation to show our attitude. We minimized our business in Russia to the point of terminating all contracts and negotiations with governmental parties and parties supporting Russian aggression.
However, we still support entrepreneurs regardless of their nationality. We believe that businesses and people, who are fighting for a better world, deserve support in times of need. We hope for a better future and near it by doing our duty now.
We strictly comply with all European sanctions and keep a hand on the pulse to reassess our current position if required.
Dimitri Orlow & Vasili Schewelow
February 2022